Condition Of Book :

Philosophy, in its widest etymological sense, means love of knowledge. It tries to search for knowledge of himself, the world and God, and describes the Indian way of life as we know it. Indian philosophy denotes the philosophical speculations of all Indian thinkers, ancient or modern, Hindus or non-Hindus, theists or atheists. Some believe Indian philosophy to be synonymous with Hindu philosophy, however, this would be true only if the word Hindu were taken in the geographical sense of 'Indian'. But if 'Hindu' means the followers of a particular religious faith known as Hinduism, the supposition would be wrong and misleading. The authors have, with considerable merit, highlighted the significance of Indian views in terms of modern Western thought.

Author : Satischandra Chatterjee / Dhirendramohan Datta

Book Code : 6703840050

Price : ₹159

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