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This book will convince you that inner imbalance is not caused by situations in the outer world instead, your imbalances create the situations that interfere with your sense of well-being and peace. Chakras: The Energy of life explains how to align your energy on many levels to achieve balance from the inside out. In everyday terms, you will learn the function of the seven bodies spirit energy vortexes called chakras. Practical exercise, meditations and powerful techniques for working with your energy flow will help you overcome imbalances that your spiritual progress. Explore the balanced and unbalanced expressions of each chakra's energies: survival, sexuality, power, love, creativity, intuition and spirituality . Discover colors and crystals that activate each chakra Practice spiritual exercises, visualization and mediations that bring your energies into balance

Author : David Pond

Book Code : 6044530040

Price : ₹169

Delivery charges : ₹ 25

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