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Ice - The top brass of Western Intelligence are badly rattled when transatlantic cables are inexplicably and provocatively cut, and Russian and American relations reach freezing-point. Only Glyn Sherwood and Julia Hammond, two scientists working in the Antarctic, can guess the identity of the enemy. U700 - U-700 is an account of the surrender of a U-boat (actually U-570) to an RAF Hudson during World War II and the subsequent illegal court martial of the U-boat's first officer by his fellow officers in a POW camp. Churchill's Gold - In 1941, before America entered the war, the last of Britain's dwindling gold reserves are held in South Africa. It has to be moved to America to pay Roosevelt's `cash and carry' bills. The German High Command learn of British shipping plans and resolve to stop it or capture it

Author : James Follett

Book Code : 2772830020

Price : ₹159

Delivery charges : ₹ 25

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